Sunday 31 March 2013

I miss my dad

So I went out for my 13 mile run this morning. All my runs this week had been pretty tough as I still have my races in my legs, but this one was particularly hard. It's Easter today, and last year Easter weekend was the last time I spent with my dad before he was taken into hospital for his final days, just on the Wednesday after. It was a wonderful day, we had all sorts of family visiting us, and we all watched a very memorable boat race together - almost everyone else was cheering Cambridge because they had closer family that went there or lived there, so I was almost all alone cheering Oxford, and well they didn't win, but for a magical couple of hours we all forgot that dad had cancer. 6 days later he was gone.

This morning I went out for my run, and this was all I could think about. The boat race is on today and I'm scared to watch it. About 2 miles in, I sat on a bench and just cried. My calf was hurting too. I walked back home, had a bath... Hopefully I'll pull myself together and can go out later today instead..

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