Friday 6 December 2013

92 miles to go

Those of you who know me well, will know I firmly believe in the power of writing things down.  In fact it was when I was living in Australia a few years ago and working for a company called APS growth that I wrote on my professional profile that I wanted to run a marathon by the time I turned 25.  I was 23 at the time and had no idea about all these local races, so essentially I was betting the farm on getting a place in London or New York, but hang on, I lived in Australia!  Well I wrote it down, and what happened? I ended up moving back to England.  I ran my first sub 2 hour half marathon but failed to get a ballot place for the London marathon... By this time i was 24, and with a July birthday, I didn't have much time...  I gave up on the goal and entered Berlin in the autumn.  At that time, you could just pay for a race entry.  About 3 days later, the charity who I had done a lot of running for in the past contacted me to say that for the first time they had 10 golden bond places, and would I like one?  With that, I completed my first marathon at the age of 24, 3 months before my 25th birthday.

This year, I wrote down I would run 1000 miles.  With 25 days of the year left, I have 92 miles left to run to reach that goal, and within that timeframe, I don't think I'm going to exceed it by much.  In fact, because I wrote down 'I will run 1000 miles' rather than 'I will run over 1000 miles', I think the chances of it going beyond that are slim, so:

Write down your dreams and goals, but be careful how you write them :)

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