Monday 27 May 2013

Not the Westminster mile, not the Bupa 10k, but lots of phlegm on the bank holiday!

So this weekend was full of promise. I was going to ride off the back of my marathon fitness and smash my 10k pb set at the inaugural Bupa 10k back in 2008, at 52:50. I haven't run for a week and have had 3 days off work this week, and rather than feel better, I feel worse, much worse.

Went to Oxford yesterday to fulfil my duties supporting my college's efforts in summer VIIIs. It was a lovely sunny day and I felt great and was drinking pimms alongside everybody else. I thought I'd be fine but I probably should have still had an early night. Somewhere between the end of dinner and going to bed my sore throat got really really sore. I found a strepsil before bed time and was down for a disturbed night's sleep.

When I woke up, I hacked up some lovely dark green phlegm, a quick search on the nhs direct website and I convinced myself it was pneumonia... It probably isn't but certainly racing a mile,or a 10k this weekend wasn't going to happen. Alerted my friends in London whom I had plans with that I wouldn't be coming to London. Got some benylin mucus cough relief and got in the car for the drive home.

I spent the rest of the day wrapped up warm and coughing from time to time- bed at 10 after watching xmen, but not before another 15 minutes coughing up what was on my chest. I was down for the night and slept for 11 hours, though David said I was making rather scary noises in the night.

I didn't wake up until 9, and of course that was with a cough, coughing up phlegm that is now yellow. I could have been racing today, but there's now way running today wouldn't set me back. Bit upset that I've missed 2 races which would have been great for the atmosphere give all other races I've done this year have been smallish and local.

I hope I feel better soon and can get back into training. I can't help thinking that I lose more fitness whilst I'll than when just taking a break from training...

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