Tuesday, 29 December 2015
Monday, 21 September 2015
The time is now
Monday, 14 September 2015
A little update
Monday, 27 April 2015
London Marathon 2015 - did she get a BQ?
Monday, 13 April 2015
Looking how far I've come
This time of year is really tough for me. The Boat Races on Saturday were a reminder of what was an incredibly emotional week. Highs of spending time with family we don’t see very often followed by the lows of the end of a terminal illness.
We watched the boatraces with my Aunty and Uncle who had visited from the States when my Mum was in Nigeria for the 1 year anniversary of her mother’s death. It was that one that had to be stopped as that chap jumped in the river ahead of the racing crews. Mum returned home on the Tuesday, and on the Wednesday night, Dad had to be taken into hospital. I was told when I was already at work on Thursday 12th April, so rushed back home to Colchester knowing this could be the end. April 13th 2012 was the last day I spent with my dad. He died on April 14th.
As such, I’m having a pretty shit day! It doesn’t help that where I’ve worked to build myself up in a completely new industry for the past year has had an unfair card dealt such that our premises will be shutting down at the end of the month, so strangely, running has not been a priority.
The emotion and stress of it all have made all my runs in the last 10 days feel awful. I’ve had tightness in my glute which seems to be impinging my running form - amazingly that disappeared yesterday after a massage from my hubby. I’ve been out for runs, and had to stop and walk after only a couple of miles. Yesterday I ran 8 miles with 3 or 4 quite lengthy walking breaks. It was quite windy and my paces were ok, but it felt awful. One person who saw me running said I looked strong, and a customer of my gym told me she saw me looking strong out running yesterday, which further confirms that a lot of this might be in my head.
I’ve decided to write this down for its therapeutic effect. With less than 2 weeks to go until the London Marathon, the race that is hopefully going to be the realisation of my dreams that I started this blog with, I know that I need to be in a much better head space.
When my clients are feeling low, or disappointed with themselves, I always try to help them look back to see the progress they’ve made, so I’m doing the same for myself.
So, here goes.
When I started the blog, my fastest marathon was 4:33 in Berlin in 2011 - I had an awful year of running after my Dad’s death in 2012, so my next marathon wasn’t until spring 2013 - I ran 4:18 in Halstead, just 3 minutes slower than my goal at the time. A year later, after applying all I’d learnt by studying nutrition and to being a Personal Trainer, I ran 3:39 in Manchester. This was a perfect race, where everything went right. It was the first and only marathon I’ve ever run without stopping to walk at all.
Other race times - my half marathon pb has come down from 1:59 when the blog started to 1:36 a few weeks ago. 10k was 52 (although more like 56 at the start of the blog) and is now 44:06, and my 5k is now 20:52 - it was 24:01.
I’m starting to win awards in races, and was even 4th lady in the Saltmarsh 75- a 75mile ultra marathon.
Weight- my weight has never been a key focus in my training, as I’ve always viewed exercise as a way to stay healthy. My work in the gym has always been about training to be better at a sport, whether its Rowing, as it was at university, or Running, which I took up when I started working in London, as 12 hour + working days weren’t conducive to team sport, but I wanted to stay healthy. My personal trainer then was a marathon runner and was fab at prescribing me exercises that would aid my strength in running, which is how I got a 52 minute 10k in my first ever running race. A PT I had more recently, however, didn’t listen to my goals and assumed weight loss was my goal when it wasn’t - this was the start of my injury problems in 2012 as I was doing way too much high impact and intensity work for the volume of mileage I needed to run for marathon preparation.
However, I know that I was about 65kg (for my height =overweight) when I started this blog and am now about 54kg (for my height a healthy weight -bmi of 21.4). Whilst weight loss was a focus ahead of my wedding last year, its not a constant focus. A lot of the change has come from a change in lifestyle - I no longer work a desk job, so I don’t buy a coffee and a muffin every morning followed by lunch out and a snack on the train home to get me through to dinner, and then wine. (I still have wine!). I’m much more mindful of what I’m eating and how it will impact on my running.
Training - in general, my training has been much better, until the last 2 months. It was near on perfect last year as I was focussed solely on running marathons, so I ran and I strength trained for running. Now I’ve got a half iron triathlon at the end of August, I had been trying to fit in cycling and swimming too, which on top of strength training and running pushed me into symptoms of overtraining syndrome in February, so I’ve cut right back and focussed purely on running again, which is probably why this glute issue developed as I have not been doing enough strength work.
That said, I have achieved some great things in this training campaign. I’m most proud of my run at Tarpley 20, where I managed to run 4 miles easy/ 4 miles marathon pace, alternating, with the last 4 miles as 2 miles easy and 2 miles race to the end. I nailed it, with my marathon pace miles being 7:50mm, and my easy miles being 8:30s. Runs in the last two weeks would make me question whether than was actually me running!
Speedwork has gone well too, with 1ks under 4 minutes, and yasso 800s under 3:15.
Work- well, I’m not working in finance anymore - I’m in charge of my own time and started my own business as a personal trainer. This is scary and challenging all at the same time. Whereas I was bored out of my mind working in the City, I don’t find spending time with people, who want to improve their lives in some way, boring at all. I get a lot out of training people, and rarely struggle to get out of bed in the morning, even at 5:30am! When I was planning my exit from the City a couple of years ago, I wrote down in a book what I would like out of a different path and what things I wanted to do with my Personal Training and Run Coaching qualifications. One of them was to have an online run coaching business. I could see how the things I was learning were benefiting me, and I wanted to help others. There’s much more to marathon running than just the training plan, and thats what this online coaching business was about. Well, you guessed it, my dream is a reality: irunsuccess.co.uk
So, with all this down, I feel less like crying than I did when I started writing. The question I have to ask myself to bring some sanity, is, does it really matter if I don’t achieve my goal at London? In all honesty, no. The only thing I can do now to change the outcome is to change my attitude. If I don’t buck up soon, I’m sure to fail, but if I can remember how far I’ve come, and the good lessons about fuelling appropriately and pacing, as well as making sensible adjustments in case of adverse weather conditions (Heatwave anyone) then I will have done my best, and that’s all I can do.
So, in light of this, the gold, silver and bronze targets….
When I started this training campaign, I was training toward sub 3:20, however, a few hiccups along the way mean I’m sure this is unrealistic, however, I do think 3:25 is achievable, so that’s gold.
Silver is the BQ = sub 3:35 (If its super hot, this is where I need to focus)
Bronze = a pb - so sub 3:39
The quicker you are under the BQ, the more chance you have of actually doing the race as they open up the entries to quicker qualifiers first, which is why I’m not just taking the easy (well its a marathon so never easy) option of pacing conservative for the 3:35. I want to do my best, and that means quicker than 3:35.
Phew - so this was all about me. It is my blog, so I’m allowed. But what can YOU take from it?
Sometimes life is shit. That doesn’t mean you have to be. Trust in the training and don’t be shit.
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
Pacing the Colchester Half Marathon
By now your training is done, you’re into the taper and possibly considering your carb-loading strategy toward the end of this week. See post http://longroadtoboston2016.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/fuelling-long-run.html for tips.
This post is about how to pace the Colchester half marathon. I’ve done this race twice before, once to race it to full potential, and another running it at Marathon pace in preparation for the Greater Manchester Marathon last year where I achieved my London Good For Age Qualification. As I live in Colchester, very close to the race start, I’m very familiar with the route and do a decent amount of my training on that route too.
It is described as a fast undulating course: http://www.colchesterhalfmarathon.co.uk/the-race/the-course/
Because of the route’s unique elevation profile, pacing is not just as simple as pick a pace and stick to it until the end, and here’s why:
Part 1: - A slight incline leaving the stadium into a left turn that takes you down the very steep Mile End Road to the North Station Roundabout.
You are full of energy; its the start of the race; GRAVITY is on your side. Its a long downhill, and everyone around you is flying.
Use the downhill, but not too much - the danger is you run so fast and put an awful lot of impact through your quadriceps as a result of the downhill running. Try to relax in your hips, run with the hill, but you don’t need to feel like your foot is on the accelerator here. Perhaps allow yourself up to 30s per mile quicker than your overall target race pace here. If you are going at your 5k pace or quicker, you are probably going too fast.
Part 2: - Short sharp uphill of North hill.
I’ve seen another blogger suggest walking this section, however, I really don’t think there is any need for that unless you overcooked it during part 1. This hill is over before you know it. Your pace will slow. If you are able to see current pace, it may be 20-30s per mile slower than your average race pace. This means you have had a 1 min/mile drop in pace. This is quite extreme, but its over quickly.
Part 3: The High Street and East Hill
After North hill, the flat High street where people may be cheering- this might encourage you to go faster than you should but bear in mind you are still less than 4 miles into the race. Use the High Street to take stock and settle into a realistic race pace for the remaining 10 miles.
At the end of the High Street, yet another steep descent of East Hill. You will really feel this if you overdid it on Mile End Road. Try to keep the same control as suggested on Mile End Road, but its not as long and not as steep so possibly 10-15s per mile quicker than goal pace.
Part 4: Ipswich Road
The Long one- A Lot of people talking about the Colchester Half Marathon will debate which hill is worse, North Hill or Ipswich Road (they seem to forget that little one in Langham). Truth is, if you’ve been training in Colchester, you are probably quite used to inclines of the nature of Ipswich Road. That said, its still an uphill, and it will still affect your race pace. Its important to keep a level head in this section. It will feel like hard work, but its sustainable. Focus on keeping your pace constant for the length of Ipswich road. There are quite a few sections where it levels off, and rather than pushing the pace on these, you would do better to use those short sections to recover before the next uphill. I would recommend only a small drop in pace from your average race pace here, perhaps 10-15s per mile.
Part 5 - Severalls Lane out to Langham
The long one is done and its flat until the end. The thing is, your legs will be tired from Ipswich road, so you may notice the very slight incline over the A12 Road Bridge as you head toward Langham. This is where some effective self talk is going to help. You are over half way and this 3rd quarter of the race is where you can finally settle into even pacing. No need to account for inclines, just focus on putting one foot in front of the other and running at your average race pace. These roads are not closed, and the country lanes, you either love their tranquility, or hate their repetitiveness. You have to be alert here, and this is where you may start to notice you’re tired, but still have a long way to go. All you need to do is tick off the miles. This is where fast finish long runs during your training will help you to dig deep.
Part 6 - That little hill in Langham, around mile 10
With all the chat about North Hill and Ipswich road, I’m amazed that everyone seems to forget this little hill in Langham. The change in incline will probably help give your leg muscles something different to do, but I have seen many people stop to walk here, and at this late stage in the race, that could make it really difficult to start and keep running again. Added to which, there is a downhill first with lots of potholes, which can make the increased speed of downhill running on tired legs incredibly dangerous. Take it easy, its a short downhill and a short uphill. No point in worrying about it, as its over before you have thought about worrying. In terms of pacing, any increase you make on the down will be evened out on the up, so I would just keep to the same effort you have been running the last 3 miles and not worry about changing pace here.
Part 7- Boxted to the end
Not long after that little hill, you are back onto Boxted Straight Road. You know that the Stadium is just a turn off this road, however, with no more turns to take, this could feel like the longest 2 miles you’ve ever run. Added to which, there is often a headwind running this section.
If you’ve got something left, now is the time to start pushing the pace. If you haven’t got much left, use other runners to protect you from the wind - drafting, so you can maintain your pace. If you’re running with a friend, take it in turns to run in front to give the other one shelter. If you’re running on your own (as it is a race), then find someone taller and wider than you, if you can, to get behind and get some protection from the wind. This only works if they are going at your pace and you are quite close behind them, but it can really take away some of the effort, and allow you to recuperate for a fast finish.
Part 8- The Finish
You’ve run a half marathon! You crossed the finish line with a sprint finish, and now you’re exhausted, with a great big temptation to just stop moving. Problem is, someone behind you is sprinting over the line. Keep moving with a brisk walk, get your medal and goody bag, and get out of the way.
A little note:
The Pacing guidelines I have given are based on likely finishing times of between 1hr 40 and 2hrs 10. If you are likely to finish quicker, the deviation from average pace is going to be smaller to run your best. If you are likely to finish slower, the deviation from average pace is likely to be more. If you have questions about my suggestions for your own predicted race time, then just message me on facebook or twitter @IRunSuccess and I’d be happy to help.
Finally, good luck, and have a great race!